This past weekend, All Are Welcome Here sponsored an art booth at the Stomp Out Suicide 5K Run/Walk, a fundraiser for Canvas Health, a Twin Cities nonprofit organization dedicated to bringing hope, healing, and recovery to children, adolescents, adults and families who struggle with mental health, chemical health, and domestic and sexual abuse.
This year's theme was "Stronger with Every Stomp" and Kat Perkins from The Voice was the key note speaker. She bravely shared her experience losing two friends to suicide and her optimism that we can all work together to stomp out suicide.

It was an honor to support such a beautiful event that both celebrated living your life and the lives lost to suicide. Many friends and family members stopped by the All Are Welcome Here tent to create and share a message of support and love. There were many tears and many hugs. "We are so glad you are here. We are so glad you are doing this today."